Page:Giuseppe Bianchini - The Work of the Fascist Government and the Economic Reconstruction of Italy - tr. Luigi Villari.pdf/36

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— 34 —

minority, the creation of groups which contributed so largely to the dangerous instability of the Government. I need not trouble you with a list of all the Constitutional rules which have fallen into disuetude or have been definitely reformed by new laws since 1848, as you will find them in any text-book of Constitutional law.

But what are these pretended changes in the Constitution, about which so much commotion is being made? A Commission has been appointed composed of men known for the soundness of their views and who are certainly not likely to subvert the world. In any case it is merely a committee of study, and its terms of reference are to make proposals. When it sends in its report we shall examine these proposals; they will then have to be submitted to the Government, and before they become law Parliament must vote them and the King give his Royal assent to them. Even if we wished to judge not facts but intentions, there is nothing more definite to go upon than the repeated assurances of the Prime Minister that he intends to respect the main features of the Constitution, even if certain changes might appear worthy of