Page:Giuseppe Bianchini - The Work of the Fascist Government and the Economic Reconstruction of Italy - tr. Luigi Villari.pdf/40

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carried on and exploited abroad, has sufficed to reduce the traffic. People are blinded by political passion and the country suffers. Recently, owing to various duties with which I have been entrusted I have had frequent occasions to discuss the situation with foreigners, and I am bound to admit that in consequence of this malignant campaign there is a certain bewilderment abroad in judging Italian conditions. Those who live out of Italy have to form their their opinions on the newspapers, and the Italian newspapers which are sent abroad are the very ones which most contribute to defame Italy. Whereas in other countries, when it is a question of relations with foreigners, internal dissensions are put aside in order to present a united front, we unfortunately have the habit of blackening ourselves. Owing to the same factious spirit, which in the past drove Italian cities to call in foreign aid to crush their neighbours, the Oppositions, impotent at home appeal for help to the foreign press which asks for nothing better than a good occasion to attack us. A sort of class solidarity also comes into play. The press tends to form a power within the State; if you dare to touch this power