Page:Giuseppe Bianchini - The Work of the Fascist Government and the Economic Reconstruction of Italy - tr. Luigi Villari.pdf/45

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tably implies errors. It is one thing to consider problems in the abstract, it is quite another to face them in their concrete reality. Even success has its dangers, for together with the faithful followers, occasional friends who do not despise the material advantages of success throng round the chariot of victory. It happened that many who for one reason or another followed the banner of redemption with ideal fervour, have now to some extent drawn aside, and not all those who have remained or who joined up subsequently appear to be animated by the same disinterested considerations, This has created a certain sense of uneasiness, which must be eliminated. All men of good will, who realize that above party dissensions is the supreme interest of the Nation, should contribute to the work of consolidation and selection. We must not leave the Government isolated, not because it requires help, but because he who is at the head of affairs should not appear, even if he is not, a prisoner in the hands of a party, and should have a broader basis of support and a wider freedom of manœuvre. It is not enough to expect salvation from heaven; to leave all