Page:Glenarvon (Volume 3).djvu/164

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but I come with letters from his grace your father. Your Ladyship may remain at Baron's Down to-night; but to-morrow I must see you safe to the castle. Pardon my apparent boldness: it is unwillingly that I presume to address you thus. My commands are positive."

"Sure there's not the laist room at all for the ladies; nor any baists to be had, all the way round Baron's Down; nor ever so much as a boy to be fetched, as can take care of the cattle over the mountain," said the master of the inn, bow joining in the conversation. "What will become of us?" cried the nurse. "Dear, dear lady, be prevailed on: give up your wild enterprise: return to your father. Lady Anabel will be quite kilt with the fatigue. Be prevailed upon: give up this hopeless journey." "You may return, if it is your pleasure: I never will." "Your ladyship will excuse me," said the servant, producing some letters; "but I must entreat your