Page:Glenarvon (Volume 3).djvu/167

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case—yes, I do feel certain that I can encounter death, without a fear, or a murmur.

The carriage was at this time turning down a steep descent, when some horsemen gallopping past, bade them make way for Sir Richard Mowbrey. Calantha recognized the voice of the servant: it was the same who had occasioned her so much alarm at the inn near Baron Moor. But the nurse exclaimed in terror that it was one of the rebels: she knew him, she said, by his white uniform; and the presence alone of the admiral, in the duke's carriage, convinced her of her mistake. "Thanks be to heaven," cried she the moment she beheld him, "it is in rail earnest the old gentleman." "Thanks be to heaven," said Calantha, "he either did not recognize me, or cares not to prevent my journey." "We'll, if it isn't himself," said the nurse, "and the saints above only know why he rides for pleasure,