Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/108

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EAST CORNWAUi GLOSSARY. 87 Oorry, a wicker flasket wiih two long handles, carried in the mode of a sedan chair. GofPy the reedy Arundo jphragmites. Graby to grasp ; seize. Qraijiy, proud ; haughty. Orange, to grind the teeth. Oreen-tanee, the herh, Bumex aeeto$a. Greet, earth j soiL Oreet-board, the earth-hoard of a plough. Grey-bird, the thrush, Turdua mtteieua, Gribble, the young stock of a tree on which a graft is to be inserted. Gripe, a ditch. Hedgy-gripe, the ditch by the hedge of a field. Gnsta, grist. Com sent to the mill to be ground. Grizzle, to grin ; to laugh. Guf^ stuff; refuse. Gulge, to drink gluttonously* Gumption, sense ; shrewdness ; aptitude of understanding. GuTi the fish, shanny, Blennius pholis^ S.E. G. Hack, to dig lightly. '* To hack tetties " (potatoes). Halliboe, the skipper fish, Scomberesox saurua, Hall-Moinday, CoUop, or Shrove Monday, probably Hallow-monday. Vide Nicky-nan night. Hall nut, the hazel Hame, a circle of straw rope ; a horse-collar. A hame is used to fasten the fore leg of a sheep to his neck to prevent straying, or breaking fence. Handsel, to use or handle for the first time. Hange, the heart, lungs, and liver of an animal on a butcher's stall.

    • Head and hcmgeJ*

Hapse, a hasp. Hardah, elvan rock. Hard-head, the herb, black knapweed, Centaurea nigra Hares-meat, the wood-sorrel, Oxalis acetosdla* Harve, a harrow. Hastis, hasty ; sudden. " HagtU news.** Hanen, haven ; harbour.