Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/146

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 3 Anklet, sh, the ankle. Anncient, Encient, adj, cunning; knowing. 'A sea gull's a very anncient bird.' AnmuLdher, adv, underneath. Same as InnnndlLer. Antic, adj. funny ; drolL ' He's very ardic,* Antickest = most funny. Anything, used as a comparison. ' He was running away as hard as anything,^ ' Tm as mad as anything with him.' Apern, sb, an apron. Appear, v, to haunt places after death. Argay, to argue. ^Tou would argay the black crow white,' saymg. Arm. To arm a person, is to lead or support a person along by the arms. Arr, sK a scar, such a pock-mark, or the scar left by a wound. Arran, Em, ab, an errand. Arred, adj, scarred; pock-marked. Arri% ah, the sharp edge of a freshly-planed piece of wood, or of cement, or stone work. Arr-nnt^ ah, the pig nut, Bunium flexuoaum. Art, Airt, ab, point of the compass. ' What art is the win in the day ? ' A particular part of the country, as — ' It's a bare art o' the country.' Art or part, participation. 'I had neither art nor part in the affair.' As, than. ' I'd rather sell aa buy.' Ass. ' He would steal the cross off an a«9 .- ' said of a very mean and greedy fellow. At himself ' He's no at himaelf* t. e, he's not well. Athont, without. Atteroap, ab, a cross-grained, ill-natured person. ' Ya cross atfer- cap, ya.' Atween, pr^, between. Anld-fiairajid, or Anl-farran, ctdj. knowing ; cunning. Anmlach, ab, a small quantity. Ava, at all. ' A dinna ken ava.' ' A'U hae nane o' that ava,' Avis, Aves^ adv. perhaps; may be; but. * Avia a'll gang there on the Sabbath.' Avont, unless ; without. * I could not tell avout I saw it.' B 2