Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/150

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 7 Behind God spaed, an out-of-the-way place ; quite out of the world. Same as At the back of God speed. BehopeSy sb. hope ; expectation. ' I saw him to-day, and he has no behopes of hein' any hotter.' *I had great hehopea the day would he mie.' Bein', sb. (heing), any wretched or unfortunate person. Belly-band, sb» the girth, in cart or car harness ; the piece of cord attached to the front of a boy's kite to which the string is futened. Bendard, 8b. the bent stick or bow in the frame of a boy's kite ; the upright stick is called the ' standard.' Ben-weed, Bend-weed, eb, the rag-weed, Senecio Jacobosa. Berries, sb, pL gooseberries. Befherel, ab, a bed-ridden person ; a helpless cripple. Be to be, must be. ' There be to be another man got to help.' Be to do, must do. *ILebetodo it,' i, e, he must do it. Better, (1) adv. more. ' He gave me better nor a dozen.' (2) adj. well. ' He's not better, but he's not so bad as he was yester- day.' The moment a duld is bom, the mother is said to be better. Better again, still better. Beyond the beyonds, adj. something very wonderful or unexpected. Beyont the beyons, some very out of the way place. Bide, V. to wait. Bid the time o' day, v. to say good-morning, or any similar salutation. Big, t;. to build. < Come and see Billy biggin.* Biggisit sb. a building. Bike (a bee's bike), sb. a wild bee's nest. Bill, sb. a bulL fiiUer, sb. water-cress (in Irish biorar [birrer]). Bindherer, Binntherer, sb, anything very large and good of its kind. Bing, sb. a heap ; a heap of potatoes in a field covered with earth ; a heap of grain in a bani. Binged up, v. heaped up. Binner, v. to go very quickly. Birl, V. to twirl round ; to go rapidly, as a vehicle ; to run fast. Birse, sb. bristles. Birsy, adv. bristly. Birthy, adj. numerous, or thick in the ground, applied to potatoes ; prohiic, or productive. « Them beans is very birthyj