Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/154

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 11 Bone iijf adj. perfectly dry. Bonhanii sh. a pig of six or eight weeks old. Bennook, ah. Same as Bannock. Boo, sh, a louse. Bookety adj. sized. ' It's big booket.' B00I9 sh, the bow of a key, or of scissors. Booled ours, ah, pi. a kind of oars used by the Scotch quarter fisher- men at Carrickfergus. " Boded oar a are those which row, two at one beam ; upon each oar is fastened a piece of oak timber, the length of such part of the oar as is worked within the boat ; which timber enables them to balance the oar so that they row with greater ease."— S. McSkimin, Hiat, of Carrickfergtka, Boolfl, ah, pot-hooks. Boom out, V. When a small boat is running before a light wind the sails are loomed oti< so as to catch as much wind as possible. Boon, ah, a company of reapers. Boor-tree, Bore-tree, ah. the elder-tree, Samhucua nigra. Boose, ah, a stall for an ox. Bose, adj, hollow. ' The goose is a bonnie bird if it was not hoae* Bother one's head, v, to trouble one's self. Bonn*, V, bound; determined; prepared; certain. 'He's hourC to doit' Bowl, adj, bold. ' He come on as howl as a lion.' Boz-borra, ah, a wheel-bairow with wooden sides. Bozen, ah, a casing of wood such as is round the sides of a farm cart. Bozty, or Bozty-bread, ah, a kind of bread made of grated raw potatoes and flour; it differs from 'potato bread/ or 'potato cake/ of which cold boiled potatoes form the principal pa^. Boz-wraok, ah, a kind of sea-wrack. Brace, ah. a screen, made of stakes interwoven with twigs, and covered inside and outside with prepared clay used to conduct the smoke from a fire on the hearth to an aperture in the roofl Bracken, ah. any large kind of fern. Brads, Breads, ah, pi. the flat boards or scales, usually made of wood, which are attached to a large beam for weighing. Brae, ah, a steep bank ; a lull ; the brow of a hill. adj. broad.