Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/168

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSABT. 25 Cowl, adj. cold. CowPf V. to upset; to empty. Cow's-olap, ah. a piece of cow's-dnng. Cow's tail ' To grow down, like a cow'a tail : ' said in derision to a person wlio is supposed to be growing shorter instead of taller. Crab, r. to carp ; to scold at. ' A couldn't thole bein' crabbed at, when A didn't do nothin' ondaioeni' Crab's allowance, sb. the treatment that juvenile fishers give to those orabs (' partens') that fasten on their hooks and eat off the bait — ^the crabs, Tnien lanaed, are instantly trampled to death. ^ Crack, (1) eb. a chat. (2) V, to gossip or chat; to boast Cracked, adj. damaged : as ' cracked hams,' hams which are slightly damaged in appearance. Cracker, «&. the thin cord at the end of a whip ; a boaster. Craoki, 8b,jpl, tales; gossip. Crane, ah. the iron arm over a fire from which the ^crook' hangs. Crapen, ab, the crop of a fowl. Crave, v, * To crave a man,' to apply to him for payment of a debt. Craw, Crow, ab, a rook. . Creel-pig, ah. a young pig, such as is taken to market in a creel or basket Creepers, ab, pi. lice. Same as Podes. Creepy, or Creepy-stool, ab. a very low stool. Creeah, (1) ab. a punishment of an uncertain kind. ' You'll get the creeahf* i. e. punishment (2) $h. grease. Creeshy, adj. greasy. Creuben, ab. a crab. Crib, or Crib-stonOi ab. the curb-stone at the edge of a foot-path. Crine, v. to shrink. Crock, ab. a derisive term for a person who fancies himself ailing or delicate. Crooky, acff. fanciful about his health ; hippish. Croft, ab. a space surrounded by farm buildings. ' Just go through thon farm^s cro/t down there/ a small field near a house. Cronkin, adj. to describe the baying sound made by a flock of Brent Croo, ab. a poor, filthy cabin. See Fig Croo.