Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/177

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34 ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. Bonduokity, adj. ' DunduekUy mud colour, the colour of a mouse's diddy,' an undecided colour. Dunne, sb. a bird, the knot, Tringa canutus, Dunny, eb. the skate. Rata baiis. Sunt, ab, a push ; a hard blow. Dure, 9b. a door. Durgan, (1) a short stout person ; a kind of pig. (2) Bh. oatmeal fried in dripping, and sometimes flavoured with leeks, &o., co. Down. This dish is <»Jled in co. Antrim, mealy-crushy. Durin' aah or oak, for ever. Dunent, dare not ' They dursent do it' Duikias, sb, the dusk ; the evening. Duty hena, sb. fowls of which a tenant has to give a certain number to his landlord each year. Dwamlsh, adj. feeling sick. Dwaum, sb. a fainting iit ; a sudden fit of sickness. Dwine, v. to die away ; to decline in health ; to diminish. Dwyble, v. to walk with a foltering gait, as if weak in the limbs. Dwybly, adj. shaky ; tottering. Dyke Sheugh, ab. a ditch or trench, alongside a fence. Dyor, sb. a small quantity of any liquid. A wee dyor is the same as ' a wee tup,* *a wee drop,* Dyorrie, adj. dwarfed; small 'There's a dyorrie pig in ever}' Htter,' saying. Dyuggins, sb. shreds and tatters. Earles, ab. earnest money. Same as Airles. Ears, (1). When the right ear is hot^ some one is speaking ill of you ; when the left ear is hot, some one is speaking good of you. (2) ' I can't hear my ear$,* i. e. there is such a din that I can't hear a word. Earywig, sb. an earwig. Easin, sb. pi. the eaves of thatch. Same as Aizins. Edge, sb. an adze. ' Foot edge,* a foot adze. Ee, Een, sb. eye ; eyes. Eedyet, sb. an idiot. Eelans, of the same age. ' We're eelans.*