Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/190

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 47 Gullet lLOle» 9b. a deep hole in a sand or mad bank dangerous to bathers. Oiilley, eb. a butcher^s knife ; and, in derision, a butcher's boy. Oullion hole, sb, a muddy hole ; a cesspool Gullions, sb. mud. Same as Chitters. Oumph, sb, a stupid person. Oomption, adj. quickness of understanding ; common-sense ; tact. QxuL ' It's like the man's gun^ that wanted a new lock, stock, and barrel, some repairs, and a ram-rod : ' said of anything that is quite worn out. Ounked, adj. taken aback ; disappointed. ' Greatly gurikedy * sorely yunked,^ or * quarely gunked^^ are common ways in which this word is ujsed. Same sis Be-gunked. Gxumer, sb. a workman who repairs fire-arms ; a gun-smith. Onrly, adj. surly ; cross. Qnty sb. a narrow navigable channel among sand-banks or rocks. Gutters, sb. mud. ' The gutfhers was dhreepin' aff him,' t. e. off a horse. Guzzle, v. to take by the throat ; to choke a person. Gy, or Gai, adv. very. ' It's gy an' hot the day.' Gyly, adv. very well ; in good health. * How are youl' * GylyJ hands, sb. pi. hands chapped from exposure to cold. Hackle berry, sb, a growth on a horse's leg. Same as Ang^e-berry. Haddin, sb. a holding or ' tak ' (take) of land. Haddin, sb. the waU in a cottage which faces the door, and in which is the tnangular or other shaped ' spy-hole.* Same as Hollan. Haen, v. had. ' I should ha' kaen them things home in the cart.' HaflEets, sb. locks of hair growing at the temples. Haft, 17. to plug the teats of milch cows when they are brought to market, so that the udder becomes very full of milk, or to leave them unmilked for the same purpose. Hag, V. to cut or chop ; to disfigure or spoil by cutting. * I hogged a wheen o' sticks.' Haggle, V. to wrangle over a bargain. Hag-yard, sb. a stack-yard. Hail, sh. shot. * Sparrow hail ' = fine shot. * The whole charge of hail went into his back.'