Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/194

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 51 Heaghmost, adj, highest. Hear tell, v, to hear. ' Did ever ye hecir tell o* the like 1 * Heart ' I could find in my heart to/ &c., t. e, I hare the heart to, &c. * I couldn't find in my heart to leaye her.* Heart fever. ' Measiu*ing for the heart fever,* a country charm. A tape is passed round the chest Heart laiy, adj, very lazy. Heart's disease, sb. heart disease. Heart sick, adj, wearied ; disgusted. ' I'm heart sick of your goin*s on.' Heartsome, adj, cheerhd ; lively. Heartsomeness, sb, cheerfulness. Hear your ears, to hear yourself speak. ' There was sich a tar'ble noise A couldn't hear ma ears.* Heather bleat, sb, the common snipe. Heatherlingy sb. the twite or mountain linnet Called also Heather Grey. Heavy. ' He's very heavy on the strawberries,' t. e, he eats a great many. A heavy (Mnker. Heavy-footed, adJ, pregnant. Heavy handfiil, sb, a weighty charge. * She has a heavy handful : ' said of a widow who is left with a large feunily. Hechy faith. ' Hech man, but ye're dreigh o* drawin',' t. e. faith! man, but you have been slow in coming to call. Same as Heth. Heddle, sb. part of a loom. Heeler, sb, a sharp, prying, managing woman. Heel in, v. to plant young trees in a temporary way, to keep them safe till it is convenient to plant them permanently. They are placed in a slanting position. Heel of a loaf, the last bit of a loaf. Heel of the hand, the part of the hand nearest the wrist. Heelft foremost, dead. ' Never ! till A'm taken lieels foremost,* Heir, v. To heir a person is to inherit his property. Heir skip^ sb, inheritance. ' He got it by heir skip* Hen. ' Like a hen on a hot griddle,' a comparison for a very restless person. Hen fish, sb, the poor or power cod, Morrhua minuta. Hem cran, Hem orane, sb. the heron. Herring hog, sb, the bottle-nosed whale. E 2