Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/206

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 63 Ught • Light, light, low, The butterfly low.* Song by obildren who are cbaaing butterflies. Like. ' What like is he ? ' i. e. what is he like 1 Like is applied to words thus : ' I'm all tremblin* like.* ' He was all frightened like.' * He seems careless like.' * Summer like,^ Like I don't know what, a vague but common comparison. Lilt, V, to sing or hum an air. Limber, adj. flexible ; light ; frail. Limner, sb. a portrait painter : hence sometimes applied to a photo- grapher. Limpy coley, eb, a boys' game. Line, (1) ab, dressed flax. (2) ab. a road. The new roads are so called. Linen lease, sb. a lease granted under the provisions of the ' Linen Act.' It was for lives, renewable, and provided for the keeping of a certain number of looms on the farm. Lines, (1) When a dispensary doctor is engaged making calls in his district he is said to be out on lines, i. e. when he has received a line or order. (2) 9b. a discharge given to a worker or servant. Line yam, sb. yam made from flax that has been dressed and sorted, so that the fibres are long and run in one direction. Ling, sb. Heather, Erica cinerea, is especially called ling. Linge, v. to beat ; to chastise ; to lunge. Linging, sb. a beating. Lingo (pi. Lingoes), sb. a long, thin weight of wire used in Jacquard looms. Lint, sb. flax. Lint-hole, sb. a pit or dam for steeping flax. Lint-white, sb. a linnet. Lint-white, adj. very white. Linty, sb. a linnet. Lip, sb. * Give us none of your lip,* i. e. impudent talk. Same as Jaw. Lippen, t;. to trust ; to depend on. ' I wouldn't lippen her to carry isk, sb. the groin.