Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/208

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 65 Low, sb. a flame. Low come off, sb. a low expression ; an offensive remark. ' They toul* me to ate ma wee dog, an' A sayd to them, it's a low come off in ya to say the like o' thai' Lown. day, a calm day.

  • Lown. yer oraok,' speak lower.

Lowie, V, to loosen. Loxenger, sb. a lozenge. Look. ' It was more by good luck than good guiding,' saying. Lucky, adj, full ; something over in count or measure. Lucky half, rather more than hal£ Lucky stones, sb. small pebbles of hard, white limestone, which have been perforated by a sea- worm. They are found on the beach, and when the perforations extend in such a way that a string could be passed through the stone, and it could thus oe suspended round the neck, it is cidled a lucky stone. Lue warm, luke warm. Lug, (l)8b. the loh-woTm^Arenicola piseatorum,ek hxge sea-worm used for bait (2) $b. the ear; the ear at the side of a can or bucket. Luggie, sb. a boys' game. In this game the boys lead each other about by the ' lugs,' t. e. ears, hence the name. Lump, (1) sb. anything big. 'A lump of a girl.' (2) $b. a quantity. * A lump of people.' Lump it ' If you don't like it you can lump it/ 1. e. you must put up with it. Luppen flliinneu, sb. a started sinew. Lurgan, Luxg, Lurk, sb. a whitish, very active sea-worm used for bait Lusty, adj. healthy looking. Lying, adj. sick. ^ He's lying these two months.' Lying heads and thraws, lying in different directions. Lythe, (l) sb. & fish, the pollack, Merlangus pollacJiius. (2) V. to thicken broth with flour or meal. Lyihing, (1) sb. flour or meal put into broth to thicken it (2) V. fishing for LytJie. Machine, sb. any Kind of conveyance, such as a carriage, car, &c. Mackerel - cock, sb. a sea bird, the Manx shearwater, Puffinus anglorwn.