Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/212

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 69 (4) $b. reoolleotion. * I hadnt a bit mind of it.' (5) ' I was a mind to lia' done it,* i, e, I intended to do it. (6) < I had no mind,* i. e. I forgot ICiit, V, to beat ; to aim a blow at ; to hit with a stone ; to hurt* ' Mint the gowler/ u «. hit the dog with a stone or anything. Xisdoubty V. to doubt ; to suspect. " He misdoubted there wud be blood dhrawed somewhere or another." — Ollminigk. Misert, sh. a miser. Miserfly, ad. miserly. Mislippeni v. to neglect. MiflUppened, adj, neglected; not cared for. 'A misUppened child.' Kiflliit^ V. to molest. Xismay, v. to annoy ; to disturb. KisseBy V. 'There's not much misses you,' %,e. you notice every thing that goes on.' MiBS yer ftit, to make a false step ; to stumble. KiBtrefS, sb. wife. * His mistress opened the door to me/ t. e. his wife. lOzsle, (I) sh.SL drizzle. (2) v. to drizzle ; to run away ; to disappear. Moan, V, to pity. Koan you a hair, pity you in the least. Koat^ sb, an earthen mound, or tumulus. Hookia* 's oatohin', i, e, mocking is catching. A warning not to mock or laugh at a person who is suffering from anything unpleasant, lest the same misfoitnne may happen to one-self. It is said particu- larly to persons who are mimickmg the personal defects of others. Moiled, adj. bare, applied to a bare-looking building. Koily, Hoilya, sb, a hornless cow. Koily, adj, hornless. Holly gowaiiy sb, the fishing frog, Lqphius piseatoriits. Holrooken, «&. the great crested grebe, Podiceps cristatus. Honey. ' Money 's roun', an' it goes roun',' saying. Honkey flower, sh, mimulus. Hools, sb, broken chilblains. Hooly heels, sb, heels affected with ' mools.' Hoofh, sh, mouth. ' Ma heart was in ma mx)othy i, e, I was very much startled^