Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/223

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80 ANTRIM AND DOWN QLOSSAKT. Post. ' Between yoa and me and the post* a preliminary to some- thing confidential being told. Fo87i 8h, a flower. Potyeeiiy Poteen, 8h. illicit whiskey. Pouce, sh, the floating dust in rooms where flax is being dressed. Poncy, adj, asthmatic, from the effects of inhaling ^ pouce* Ponnder, ah, a person who sells freestone for scouring ; the freestone is sold pounded. Ponu, V, to push clothes against the bottom of a tub when washing. ' Gie the claes a guid poussing.^ Power, sb. a great quantity. * He made a power o' money.' P0X9 sb. the small-pox. ' Cut for the pox/ vaccinated. Praity-oaten, sb, a kind of bread made of potatoes and oaten meal ; in texture it is very coarse. * As coarse as praity-oaten,^ saying. Prank, v. to amuse oneself. Pree, v. to taste. Presha, Presha bhwee, Pmshns, sb, the wild kale, Sinopsis arvetisis {hhwee is from Ir. for yellow). Prick at the loop, a cheating game played with a strap and skewer, at fairs, &c., by persons of the thimble-rig class, probably the same as the game called Fast and Loose. Prig, V. to beat down in price. Same as to Haggle. Prittaz, Praitays, sb. potatoes. Prod, (I) * He gave me a pi'od,' u e. he cheated me in something he sold me. (2) V. to prick or stab. ^Prod him with a pitch-fork.* Proddled, v, prodded, i. e. stabbed or poked up. ' Your eyes are like a proddled cat under a bed,' saying. Proker, sb. a poker. Proper, adj. good. ' A proper spade.' ProM, (1) sb. a process at law. (2) V. to sue a person. * I prosaed him.' Puck, sb. a blow. ' He got a puck in the eye.' Pnckan-snlla, sb. a basket or hamper made of well twisted oat straw rope, used for holding seed potatoes; it holds about two and a half bushelB. Puddle, sb. a small dirty pool ; prepared or tempered clay. Pullan, Pollan, sb. the 'fresh water herring' of Louch Neairh* Coregonua FoUan. © -«6 »