Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/239

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96 ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. Soop, V, to sweep. Soople, (1) sh, a part of a flail. See Flail. (2) adj. flexible; active. Sootor, sb. a fish, the gemmeouB dragonet^ Callionhnua Lyi*a. Sore, {) adj. sad ; unpleasant ; severe. ' It's a sore day on the stocks, i. e. a very wet day. Also pitiful or contemptible. * He's a 9ore fooL' (2) V, swore. Sore foot, acfj. Same as * a rainy day,' i. e. bad times or sickness. Sore hand, Sair haa', sb. a disagreeable spectacle ; anything spoiled or disfij^iired. ' He fell in the mud, an' made a sore han' o' himseV.'

  • He tried to paint the boat, and made a aore hand of it.'

Sore h6ad, sb, a headache. Sore thumb, sb. * To sit up like a sore thumb/ to sit with a super- cilious or imbending air. Sorra halt, nothing. ' Soi'ra hait rowled up in deil perlickit,' nothing at all.' Sorra mend ye, you deserve it. Sorra yin, not one. Sort, V. to repair anything. Sosh, adj. snug ; comfortable ; neat-looking. ' She's a sosJi wee las«.' Saucy. Sond, V. ' Let them soud it amang themsel's,' /. e. let them settle it among themselves. Sough, (1) sb. a hollow sobbing or groaning sound, caused by the wind or by running water ; the sound that comes from a great crowd of persons at a distance ; a rumour or report of news. (2) * Keep a calm amigh till the tide comes in,' %, e, have patience. (3) t;. to breathe loudly in sleep, but not to snore. Sourlick, Sonr'k, sb, a sorrel, Rumex aeetosa. Sowan pot. ' A wud nae gi'e scrapin's o' a sowan pot for it : ' said of anything very worthless. Sowana, sb, flummery ; a sour gruel made from the husks of oats called seeds. These are steeped in water till the liquor sours ; they are then strained out, and the fluid portion is boiled. This thickens into a kind of jelly on cooling. Spadesman, sb. a man accustomed to dig. Spading, Spitting, sb, the depth of soil raised at one time by the spade. Spae, V. to foretell. Spae fortunes, v. to tell fortunes.