Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/253

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110 ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. Supposed to be said by formers conceming persons who take a tomip out of a field to eat it Turn out the, ah, a term for the Irish rebellion of 1798. Also called The Hurries. Tnm spit Jack, eh, a game at country balls, &c., in which young men compete by singing for their partners in the next dance. Turn the word, to contradict, or dispute the correctness of a state- ment. * I wouldn't begin to turn the word with you.' Twa, nu, adj, two. Twa band boy, ah, a smart fellow. Twall, nu, adj, twelve. Twalmonth, ah, a year. Twiot, Twioet^ adv, twice. Two double, .ac{/. 'Bent two double,* 'Going two douhle, bent with pain or age. Two-eyed beef-steak, ah, a herring. TwTUUile, ah, a tussle. )f Vneaae, Vnaisemeat, ah, an uneasy state. * They got into an unaue when they heard about it* ' It caused a great unaisetnent in the village.* Vnco, acy, strange. Vnderboard, adj, dead and coffined, but not yet buried. Vnderconstnmble, v, to understand ; to comprehend. Under foot salye, ah, filth applied as a poultice in the case of horses, &c. TJnfeelsome, adj, unpleasant; disagreeable. Vnfordersome, adj, unmanageable. Vnknownoe, Unknownst, <zdv. unknown. Vnpossible, adv, impossible. Vnsignified, adj, insignificant. Vnsonsy, adj, unlucky. TJntimonSy cu^', at unseasonable times. Upcast, ah, a reproach ; something ' cast up ' to one. Upon, prep, with. ' I take the medicine upon milk.' Upsetting, adj, arrogant; assuming. 'The're the most upaetttneat people in the oountiy.'