Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/28

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WEST GORNWA.LL OLOSSART. Brood, imparities mixed with ore. Broom-swike, & twig of a heath- broom. BroM-of-het, a great heai << Vm in a hroH'O/'het.*' At boiling point Broaaen, burning quickly. Mouse- hole fishermen, through W. F. P. and V. B. Brother - law, brother - in - law. Father^laWf &c., Ac. Brown-worty figwort or throat- wort Browse, bruised fish used as bait 'Til pommel thy noddle to hnrnmr BottrelL Browse, brambles and thorns. F. 0. Browfhy, adj, light; spongy: applied to bread. Bruahy^ft nosegay. Brush, dried fuize used for fires.

  • 'Not quite baked; he'd take

another brush : " said of a half- witted man. Brass, short twigs of heath or furze. ** When a younger sister marries first, her elder sister is said to danoe in the hnu$ ; from an old custom of dancing with- out shoes on the furze prickles which get detached from the stalk." H.B.O. Brayans, crumbs. Boryans, Bot- trelL Baoea, a stupid person ; a term of derision. « Penzance boys up in a tree, Looking as wisht (downcast) as wisht canbe; Newlyn huceas^ strong as oak, Knocking 'em down at eyery poke." Baooa-boo, a ghost ; a bug-bear ; a black bucca. Bneoa - gwiddan, a precocious child; a simple innocent; an insane person. T. 0. A white bucca. Buok^ fermentation in milk or cream, produced by moist heat <<The buck is in the milk.'* Buooha-boo, Polwhele. Bucky the spittle fly. Baok, V, to bruise copper ore into small fragments. Buckiiig-iroii, a fiat hammer used for crushing copper ore. Boekle-ap, v, to shrink or curl up with the damp. " My dress huckle$-up in the dew." Baokshee-baok, a game played by an indefinite number of play- ers. One shuts his eyes, and the others say in turn, **Buck$h€eI Buckshee-owk ! How many fin- gers do I hold up P " When the Elindman guesses correctly, the one whose number is guessed takes his place. Buckthom, Baokhom, a salted and dried whiting. Baoky-how, a boy's game, resem- bling touch-timber. Baddle, a kind of tub for wash- ing ore. Buddle-boy, a boy employed in washing ore. 'the operation is caUed<' huddling." Baddies, bubbles. Blowing huddles, art 'ee, cheeld ? " Bad-pioker, the bullfinch. Pol- whele. Baffle - head, a simpleton ; a foolish person. '*I niyer seed sich a g eat Ivfflt-liead,'^ Bulgranack, the pool-toad, or locally bull-toad, in sea-rock pools. H. R 0. Balgraoade, a stickleback. Bolhom, a snaiL If tinners in ffoing to bal (the mine) met with a hulhom in their path, they always took care to drop