Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/34

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WEST CORNWALL GLOSSARY, 13 Cliiie, a sea-bird's feast. Matthias Dunn, Meyagissey. Clysty, adj, close ; moist : as badly-made bread or bad pota- toes. *' These taties are bra' and dyHyr Co! inter), an exclamation of entreaty. " Come along, Co !** Coady. Sheep are said to be coady when their liyers are affected. Stratton district Costs, petticoats. " I never seed a cheeld with such short coaU,'* Cob, a bunch of hair on the fore- head, often applied to the top locks of a horse's mane. Cob, V. to beat or thump. Cobbing, a beating. " Gobbet, a blow." Garland. Cobbing, in mining, is breaking copper ore into small pieces — done by women. - Cobbing-hammer, a miner^s tool. Cobba, a simpleton. Gobshana, money or savings.

  • 'What, give my cobaJianB up to

thee I Be Mistress Jan indeed." Unde Jan Trenoodle, Cock^haw, a game played by boys with victor nuts (hazel nuts). One boy takes off hiis cap, saying, '*Cock'haw/ first blaw! Up hat, down cap. Victor." His opponent lays his nut, holding it by the string, pn the cap. The first boy strikes it with his nut. Should he fail to crack it, the other boy places his down, and so on until the nut is broken. The nut that cracks the other is called a "cock-battler." If another nut can be cracked with the same nut, it is cc^ed a ** two- oock-battler ; " the nut that breaks that a ** three -cock- battler.** and so on. Polwhele calls the ^;ame " Cob-nut," and the nut it is played with " cob." Cock -hedge, a trimmed thorn hedge, sometimes double for dry- ing clothes on. Cockle-bread (pran. cock-le). To make coddt^hrectd is to turn head over heels on a bed. " Up with your heels; down with ycrur head ; That is the way to make cocAiZe- hread. Cookie-button {prmi, coc-kle), the seed of the bunlock. Cockle up, r. to shrink or curl up with damp. "My dress cochlea up with dew.*' Codger, Cadger, a tramp a mean pe(dlar ; a term of contempt * * An ould cadger*^ Codger's end, cobbler's wax-end. Codgy-wax, cobbler's wax. Coin, a comer. Coin-stone, a corner-stone. To coin is to strike off the comer of a block of tin, to discover its quality before it is stamped. Collar, boards near the surface for securing the shaft of a mine. CoUey-brands, summer lightning.

    • Smut in com." Couch.

Colley-wobbles, a pain in the stomach; diarrhoea. Collopping, a flogging. Colp, a blow; a short rope for carrying sheaves from the rick to the bam. Colpas, a prop or underset to a lever. Cool, a large tub or half-barrel used to salt meat in. When people brewed their own beer, the tub in which it was put to cooL Comb, an unturned ridge left in ploughing. Comfortable, adj. complaisant ; agreeable. ** A very comfortable man."