Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/360

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LIST OF PRONUNCIATIONS. XXVU Behnnd, the pronunciation of behind, Beyvnd, the pronunciation of beyond. Boogth, the pronunciation of Bngth, which see. Book. This word is not pronounced smartly, as in the south, but the od is sounded as in the customary English of spoon, &o. See Go under Letter 0. Bottily the pronunciation of bottle. See Letter I, 3 (3). Bonster, the pronunciation of bolster (oi/ as in loud). BrearSy the pronunciation of briers. Breet, the pronunciation of Bright, which see. Broad, pronounced brooad ; by some brode. Bud, pronounced nearly bood (gl, buod). The word but is sometimes so pronounced. Butter, formerly pronounced boother (gl. buotthur). See Tt. Caa, the pronunciation of the word cow. Caird, the pronunciation of card. See Letter A (1). Chale, or Chales, the pronunciation of the name diaries. So Chaley for Charley, See Letter K. Chance {<jl. chauns), or Chonce. as in John^ Chayle. See Chale. Chossen, pronunciation of chosen. Claadfl, the pronunciation of clouds, Claat) the pronunciation of clout, or cloth, Fother, the pronunciation oi fodder. Prozzen, the pronunciation oi frozen. Fxunmle, the pronunciation oi fumble. Grange, pronounced graunge. Gronfathther, pronunciation of grandfather. Gronny (the pronunciation of granny), grandmother. GroWy the common verb, pronounced to rhyme to coto, now, &c. Haand, pronunciation of Jiound, but often yaand, or yaiid.