Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/433

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72 THE DIALECT OF their heads off, till he has caught them all. Then the game begins anew. It was so played as far oack as 1810, and is still. Johnny Eingo, sh, the Yellow Hammer is so termed by some. Jooah, or Jnah, the pronunciation of the name Joe, but when used with the surname sharply it is c/u' (as mjui), as c/u' Brook, Jv^ Sykes. (See Preface, * Christiaii "Names. ') Joss, sb, the master or leader. ' Joss o' t' haas ' is the master of the house. ' He's nooan baan to be/oM oyyer me ' := ' He's not going to be my master.' Jot, vK to distribute, &c. *Jot out their dinners/ ^. e, place on their plates so much, and no more. Jowl (pronounced y^i^, or Jowl), to knock the head against anything. Joy, sh, a term of endearment : much used. See Boy. Jubberty, Jnbbity, Jnbblety, sb. a difficulty; misfortune, &c.

  • He's had some jubhitiea in his lifetime.' [A corruption of O.Eng.

jupardy : Modem English, jeopardy, — ^W. W. S.] This letter suffers elision in some words ; thus, ta* and ma* for take and make, Td'ed, i. e. taJcedf is used for took, Kay, the pronunciation of key, as in Middle English. Keeker, adj. squeamish ; cowed ; fearful. ' Keeker o* food ' means dainty, and * ^ecX^er-hearted ' is cowardly. Keel, vh, (active and neuter), to cool ; but not adj, A person may Iced himself, or let his tea keel^ but he would not speak of a ked eyeniug. [A.S. c6l, a^j. cool; cilan, vb. to cool. — ^W. W. S.] Keighley, sh, the name of a town in the West Riding, introduced here on accoimt of the peculiarity in the pronunciation. It is not called j^ef%, as might be supposed, but as if written Kdhley, wherein there seems to be a relic of a guttural sound. Kelt, sh, money : common word. Ken, sb, knowledge': chiefly in such phrases as * that's past my ken.* Kenspeck, or Kinseback, adJ, easy to be known. ' This is kenspeck enough,' t. e. you may see what it is. HalliweU spells this word kemback, [A well-known Icelandic word, kennispekij the faculty of recognition. Prom kennUf to ken, epakry wise. — ^W. W. 8.] Kenspeokled, adJ, marked or branded, as sheep, &c^ with the iron. Bay calls this word ken^pecked.