Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/440

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AL&fONDBURT AND HUDDERSFIELD. 79 Lig, vb. to lie down ; also to tell a lie : in both senses very common. [In the former sense from A.S. licgan^ in the latter from A.S. ledgan. — w. w. a] Light (pronounced leet)^ sb. light (pronounced leet), vb. to alight, or happen. ' That's just as it leeUy* i.e. as it may happen. * She didn't het to be at whum/ Lighters (old pronunciation, leeter&j, $b, layers. ' It was all laid i' lighten,^ Light on (pronounced leet on)y to meet with. Lightsome (pronounced testsome), adj active, &g. Like (pronounced lattk), likely ; bound ; obliged, &c. * He's lauk to do it' = He*B bound to do it, or must do it. Liken (pronounced lavkenY the plural of the verb like. The follow- ing is a well-known specmien of the dialect. * He comes thr(f Denby dauk sand, wheer they lauken pau, wheer they put a sheep in a pau and call it a tayat,* «.«. Denby dike side, where they like pie, where they put a sheep in a pie and call it a tart Likened, pL This word is sometimes called likken'd, 'It had likkend to ha' gone,' i, e, it was likely to have gone. Like on, or Liken on, vb. to like. ' They do it a deal more nor Au lauk on,* or * lauken on.' Like nrrow, for latik urrow. Both spelling and meaning somewhat uncertain. It is used thus : as in a race when one is far ahead, he is said to haye beaten his competitor lavk urrow. Lippen on, vb, to expect, depend on, &c. 'He ltppen*d on the goods coming to-dav.' * Au should ha* gone to see him, but Au lip^ pen*d on him comin here.* Lithaas, i, e, lith-house, sb, a dye-house. Bay has it. It was given to me as a local word, but does not seem much known, but as ilhis- trating other words is useful. [Mid. Eng. litten, to dye ; hence litater and lister, a dyer. — W. W. S.] The * Pharao ' in the Tovmeley Mys^ teries is entitled the ' LyUter Play,' because it was performed by the dyers. Lithe, or Lithen (pronounced lauthe; gl. laudh), vb. to thicken (as milk, water, &c.) with meal, flour, &c. Lithe (pronounced lauthe)^ adj, thick, as sauce may be. Lithening (pronounced lautJienin), ab, that which is put into broth, &c. to wicken it. Liver (^L liver), to deliver ; so posit for deposit, &c. Lob, sb. * lobscouce,' a kind of hash. Lobby, 8b, a shelf or platform consisting of boards, &c, brought