Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/448

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ALMONDBURY AND HUDDERSFIELD, 87 Hillin, or Milling, adj, middling. Miln, sh, a mill. A/<77tj^bridge a village near Huddersfield, in the parish of Almondbury. Hilneri «&. one who mihia the cloth, %, e, puts it into the stocks. Minch-pan, pronunciation of mince-pie. Min' me on, i. e, mind me on, or remind me. KiBohief neet (night), sb, the 30th of April, when it was formerly- thought the canny Yorkshireman might do what mischief he pleased, and often did a great deal. Policeman X is now the spoiler of this sport. Mistal (pronounced miatl)^ sh, a cow-house. Mixed. See Meist, and note to it. Mobs, sh. blinders (blinders) for horses. Mod, sh. A little moil or modcUn thing is a dumpy or clumsy child, one that * sets down flat feet,' &o. Mddiwarp, sh. a mouldwarp, or mole. Pronounced generally moicld- warp at Lepton. Occurs in Spenser [in Colin Cloufa come home again, L 763; and in Shakespeare's 1 Ifenry IV., Act III. sc. i. — W. W. S.] Mog. See Mug. Moich, i. e, * moche,' or ' moach,' vh. to measure (land, &cX In a game where the distance from any mark is doubtful, it might be said, 'Au'll moich thee.' It is not used for measures of capacity, but mnzur. Moit, sh. a mote. Moit, vh. to pick out motes, burrs, small pieces of wood, &c., from the cloth ; which process is called moiting, Mooil, or MooUd, i. e. ' mool,' used for mood, or temper. ' Sho's in a queer mooil to-day.' Moolter, or Mooter, sh. what a miller takes for his work. Moorgrime (pronounced graum), sh. drizzling or hazy rain, not likely to be permanent. Mopple (pronounced moppil)^ vh. to confuse. Halliwell says moppil (wnich is the local form of mopple) is a mistake, or blunder. I haye neyer heard the substantiTe, though often the verb. At a cottage prayer-meeting an Independent — ^W. B. — was, as it is called, * engaged' m prayer, when he was much annoyed by one of the assembled hearers, who was a Wesleyan, and continually exclaimed, * Glory, Amen, Yus,' &c. Suddenly he stopned in the midst of his petitions, tapped his troublesome hearer on the shoulder, and said, * Drop it, mun ; tha moppila me.'