Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/545

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16 HAMPSHIRE QLOSSART. Chisel ^chiz*!], v. a. to cheat. — ^Adams' Wykehamiea, p. 418. Not pecubar to Winchester. Chissom [chis'um], r. to put forth roots; to grow. — ^Lisle. To germinate. *Ak. See Chit. Chit [chit], V. to bud, or germinate. — *Ak. To sprout out, to grow. — Lisle. A.S. dt, the tender shoot of a herb ; hence the term ' little chit * applied to a child. *Ak. Chitterlings [chit-urlin^], sh, pi, the entrails. The word is also applied to an old-fashioned frill in the W. of England — as, 'here comes old Warder wi' his chitterlin yrilL' *Alr. C£ divina iomacula porci. — Juvenal, Sat, x. 355. In Jaryis*s translation of Don Quixote, ed. 1842, p. 1, we read that the ^uiight enjoyed ' sheep's chitterlings on Satumavs.' So in Hudihras, — * Which was but souse to chitt^" lingB,^ — Bell's ed., vol i. p. 87. In the New Forest we hear also of * a chitterlin shirt'— Wise. See Souse. Chocky [chok'i], adj. chalky, dry. — lisle. Choice [cbois], adj, careful Ex. 'Tom's mortal ciwice oyer 'em. peasen.' — J. Choor, Char ^choor, chaa], t;. to do household work in the absence of a domestic servant^ as a char-woinan doesi *Ak. A.S. cerre. Gomu Choor, Char, sh. a turn of work. *Ak. Chop [chop], V, to exchange, to barter. *Ak. Com. Chopper [chop'ur], sh, pig's chap. — J. Chops [chops], «&. pi, the jaws, or face ; as, 'To give one a slap in the cSopa.*— ^P. M. Com. Chouse [chous], sb, a shame, a scandal Here it has been Wyke- hamically diverted from its original meaning, viz, ' to cheat' — Adams* Wykehamica^ p. 418. Chow [chou], V, to bite or masticate food. Christmas [kris*mus], ib, (1) The holly used to decorate churches, houses, meat, &c. at Christmas. — F. M. Also (2) used generally of the holly {Hex aguifolium), — J. B. Chuck [chuk], V, a. to cast, to throw. Chuck, Chuck [chug], inter], a word commonly used in calling swine. — Grose ; Warner ; F. M. See Chug. Chuckle-headed [chuki-heded], adj, stupidly noisy. — Cooper. Chucks [chuks], sb, pi, large chips of wood. — Cooper. Chuffy [chuf'i], adj, broad-faced, healthy. Ex. 'a c^uj^-headed rascal. "^ Chug [chug], sb, a pig ; so called from the term {chuLg^ cJiug) used in calling swme. See Ohuck. — N. H. Chump [chump], sb. a log of wood. *Ak«