Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/573

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44! HAMPSHIRE GLOSSARY. Hint [hint], v, to lay up ; to put together. — K H. Hit [hit], sb, a good crop. *Ak. Hit, V. n. to look promising; said of crops. Ex. 'The apples hit well V year.' •Ak, * The com kit well,' i. e. looks well — ^Wise. Hit, r. a. to throw, to pitch. Generally followed by a prepositioiu Ex. * Hit 'un up.' So to hit out ; or to hit away. Of. Qerm. * Hebt es auf * = * Lift it up.'— N. H. Ho pioa], sb. fuss, bustle. Ex. 'He made a great ho about it/ EvidenUy derived from the inteijection Ho ! See A-ho. Hoar-withey [hoar-widh*i], sb, Pyrus Aria, The white-beam. — J. B. Hob [hob], sb, a potato-7io&, L e. a place where potatoes are covered over. — Wise, New Foresty p. 163. Hob-lantern [hob-laan'turn], sb, a Will-o*-the-wisp, a Jack-o'-lantenu

  • Ak.

Hook [hok], t;. to hack, to cut in a haggling unworkmanlike manner. ♦Ak. Hooksing [hoks'in] , pL walking rudely, trespassing. — N. H. Hookdng-up [hoks*in-up], pL throwing down. — ^N. H, Hog-berry. See Hag-berry. Hog-fold [hog-foald], sb, a fold of young sheep. — K H. Hoggets, Hog-colts [hog'etz, hog'coaltz], sb. pi. colts of a year old. — Warner. 0. Fr. hogetz.—Y. M. Hog-haghes, or haws [hog'haaz or hauzl, sb. pi, fruit of Cratcsgus Oxyacantha, — ^HoUoway's Dictionary of Provincialisms, — J. B, Hogo [hoa'goa], sb, a bad smell. — ^F, M. Hog-sheep [hog-ship], young sheep. — N. H, Holl [hoi], V. to hurl or throw. — Cooper. Hollis [hol'is], sb. an oval pebble. — Winch, Sdt, Gl. Hollow [hol-ur], V. n. to cry out ; to make a loud noise. Used of animals as well as of mankind. Ex. ' I heard the mare hollowing^^ i. e. neighing. * That cow was hollowing ^^ i. e, lowing. * I don t want no children hollowing about here,' *. e, crying. Holm-bush [hoam buosh], sb. an old holly. ' The expression to rattle like a boar in a hotme-hush " is a thorough proverb of the Forest district.' — Wise, New Forest, p. 179. Holm [hoam], sb. Ilex aquifoUum. — J. R Holm-Mth [hoam-frith], sb. a holly-wood. — Blackmore's Cradock Nowell, ii. p. 62. Holt [hoalt], sb. a wood on a hilL — J. Holt, interj, hold 1 stop ! *Ak. Honeysuck [hun-isuk], sb. Lonicera Periclymenum. — Hollo way's Dictionary.-^. B.