Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/577

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48 UAMFSHIBE GLOSSARY. Jacks, ragged. See Jack-straw [jak-strau], sh. the stonechat ; so called from its nest being formed of hay and straw. — ^Wise. Jan [jan], prop, name, John. *Ak. Janders [jaan*durz], sb, the jaundice. *Ak. Janty [jaant'i], adj, showy. — Cooper. Jar-bird Mss-hard], ah, the goatsucker ; so named from its jarring noise. — ^Wise, New Forest, p. 187. See Night-jar. Jasey [jai*zi], sb. a wig. Forby says it is a corruption, firom being made of Jersey yam, — F. M. Which derivation is absurd, there being no yarn made in Jersey. — ^W. H. C. Jawled-out [jau-ld-out], ac^', excessively fatigued — Cooper. Jawster [jau-stur], 8b. one given to overmuch speech. — ^Adams* Wykehamica, p. 425. Jews-ears [jeu-z-eerz], sb, pi, the tomato, or love-apple. — F. M. Jibbet pib*ut], sb, a small quantity, small load. Ex. * Ajibbet of com or hay.* — Wise. See Jobbett and Knitoh. Jobation [joabaishun], sb, a severe lecture or reprimand. — Cooper. Jobbett h'ob'ut], th, a small quantity, commonly of hay or straw. — Ghrose ; Warner ; F. M. ; ♦Ak. * A smaU load.* *Ak. Jockey [jok*i], t;. a, to get before another. £x. ^ Tve Jockeyed him in cuse/ i, e, the list of boys arranged in their form order. — ^Adams' Wykehamicay p. 426. Jod-trot, sb. jog-trot — Wise. Joggle [jogi] V, to shake. — J. Joist [jeist], V. to take in cattle to keep at a certain price per head or score. — Lisle. Jomey [jau'ni], sb, a day's work or day's journey. — Cooper. Used in N. H. for a day's work only. — ^W. H. C. Jomm, or Joram [joa*rumJL sb, the peculiar-shaped tin can in which beer was served out [at Winchester College]. — Adams' Wykehamica, p. 426. Joseph-and-Mary [joa*zef un mai*ri], sb. Pulmonaria officinalis, — J. B. Joseph's-walking-stiok [joa'zefs-wau'kin-stik], sb, Polemonium ccsru- leum, — Wise, New Forest Joss, Jossing-blook [jos, jos*ing-blok], sb. a block by which a rider mounts his horse. — Cooper. Jostle (josl], V, (!) To cheat. — Cooper. (2) To push rudely.— N. H. Jnb [jub], V. to move as a slow heavy horse. — Cooper.