Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/582

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HAMPSHIRE GLOSSARY. 53 Lewer [loo'ur], ib, a disease in the feet of cattle ; cured by an appli* cation of tar, or by rubbing the sore with a tarred string. — Wise. Lewth [luoth], 9b, (1) A place of refuge or shelter from the wind. — ' Cooper. (2) Warmth. A.S. hUmo^. *Ak. Ley [lai ?], sh, a recently-mown clover-field is called a dover-Zey.— Cooper. Lief [leev], adv. soon ; ' as lief, as soon. *Ak. merely mentions lief^ and gives it as a synonym of ^}«/er, which it is not. Liefer [lee-vur], adv, rather. *Ak. Comparative of Uef. Lift [lift] , 8h, assistance. — Cooper. LiU [lil], V. to loll out the tongue. *Ak, Lilyjriil'i], sK Polygonum Convolvulus. * Over the whole county.' — FL VedenaiSf p. 435. Also Convolvulus arvensis, — J. B. Lily-flower [lili-flour], ab. Convolvulus septum, — J. B. Limber [limbnir], sb, the shaft of a waggon. — ^Wise. Limber, adj. limp, flaccid. *Ak. Linchet [linxhit], sb. a ledge of ploughed ground on the side of a hiU.— iV: Hants. LixLohets [lin'chits], sb. pi. grass strips in ploughed fields. — N. H. Linge [linj*], adj. pliable; as new leather. — N. H. Lissen, List [lis'en, list], sb. a line or band of sand is so called. — » Wise, New Forest. List is properly a strip of anything. — W. H. C. Lissom [liaum], adj. lithe, active, nimble. — ^N, H. *Ak. Litohes [lich-ez], sb, pi. green lumps^ of grass found in hay when not properly tedded. — ^N, H. Lithy [lei'dhi], adj. pliant, supple. — Cooper. Litten [lit-n], sb. a churchyard. — N, and Q. 1st Ser. x. 400* See Church-Htten. Liversick Qiv'ursik], sb. a hang-nail; a piece of loose skin on the finger. — rf. H. Live-under piv-und'ur], r. to be tenant to, or hold land of. Er.

  • They've lived under iord — — , fether and son, this many a year.'-— -

N. R Lob [lob], V. to throw gently. — Cooper. Lob-along [lob-ulong], v. to walk lazily, — J. Lobster [lob'stur], v. to cry, to blubber. — Winch, Sch. Oh Lob-taw [lobtau], sb. a large marble. — J. Lock [lok], sb. a small quantity of hay;. *Ak. Namely, aa much as a man can carry under his arm. — Wise. Led [lod], pt t of vb. to lead.— Wise, New Forest, p. 190.