Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/621

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92 HAMPSHIBE QLOSSABT. TaoUe [taki], 8b, (!) Harness; as plough-^ocA^e, caxt-tackle. — ^N. H. (2) Implements of agriculture. *Ak. (3) Food and drink. Ex. * This be capital tacJcUJ *Ak. Tackle, v. a. {!) To attack. (2) To be even with, or a match for. Ex. * One of we could tackle two or three Boosiima' — A Private*8 letter from the Crimea. (3) Tackle-up ; to mend, to repair, to put in order. Ex. * We can easy tackle-un-upJ — N. H. Taffety [taf'uti], acy. dainty in eating. — J. Tag [tag], eh. a sheep of a year old. — Cooper. Tailings, Tail-ends [tai-linz, tai'lendz], eh, pi. refuse com not sale- able at market, but kept by the feumers for their own use. *Ak. tallet, Tallot [tal'ut], eb. (!) A hay-loft over the stable. *Ak. (2) An attic ; a room under the roof.- Tame [taim], ac^, cultivated, as opposed to wUd. The ' tame withy * is the Epnohium angusti/olium when cultivated in a garden. — ^W. Tan [tan], adv. then.- Tang [tang], v. to make a noise with a key and shovel at the time of the swarming of a hive of bees ; not, as is supposed, to induce them to settle, but to give notice of the rising of the swarm, which could not be followed S tiiey went on to a neighbour's premises, unices this warning was given. This rude kind of music was called a tanging, it being an imitation of a belL ^Ak. See Tong. Tarblish [taablish], adv. tolerably. Ex. ' Tarblish middlin, thankee^' i. e. tolerably welL *Ak. Tarrat [tarut], sb. a loft ; the same as Tallet, q. v. — ^W. Tat [tat], sb. a slight tap or blow. — J. Tawer [tauur], sb. a fellmonger, leather-dresser. — Cooper. TawlixLg [tauiing], sb. the mark from which the marble is shot at the begmning of the game. — Cooper, Probably nothing but taw-line. Teart [tecurt], adj. sharp, painfully tender ; said of a wound. A.S. teartf severe. *Ak. Ted [ted], t;. a. to spread and toss hay. Ex. * We've well tedded that hay.'— N. H. Tee-hole [tee-hoal], sb. the entrance for bees into a hive« — ^Wise, New Forest, p. 185. Teeing [teeing], adj. buzzing, alluding to the buzzing or teeing noiaiQ made by bees. — ^Wise, ibid. Teel [teel], v. to place anything in a leaning position against a wall, Ac. *Ak. Ex. * Put it a little teding^ i. e. leaning.' — Wise, New ForesL

  • Teel 'un up * = set it on its end against sometMng. — N. H.

Teft [teft], V. to try the weight of anything with the hand. *Ak Corrupted from to heft. See Heft.