Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/633

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104 HAMPSHI&E GLOSSARY. Yaffle [yaf-1], v. to eat greedily. — J. See Whaffling-np. Tangcr [yang-ur], prep, yonder (from which it Ls corrupted). — Cooper. Tap [yap], v. to cry like a dog. — J. Tape [yaip], v. (l) To gossip.— Cooper. (2) To loiter, Ex. * To yape about.'— Wise, Tat [yat], sb, a gate. ♦Ak. Taw [yaul, v. to chop, to reap ; used of cutting com, poaa, or beans, though hacking is generally used of the last— Wise, Neio Forest. Soo Hack« lYaw for Iiew^ like yelder$ for hildingJ] — W. W. S. Tead [yed], sh. the head.- Teaker [yai-kur], ah, an acorn. — J. B. Telden [yel'dun], ah, a hilding ; a mean coward. *Ak. Tellow-cnp [yel'u-kup], ah. Ranunculaa arveiiaia. See Dill-cnp. Teppnm [yep aim], ab. ^ apron. Tigh [yei], culv, aye ; yes. — J. Tilth [yurth], ab. earth. ♦Ak. Tokel [yoa-kul], ab, the yellow-hammer. — J. Tokes [yoaks], ab. pi. hiccoughs. — J. [See Yex in Halliwell.] Tonm [youm], pr, yours. Ex. ' If he bo'ant yourn, he must be oum.' — ^N. H. Tow [yoa], ab. a ewe. — J. Tuokel [yuknil], ab. a woodpecker. *Ak. See TafEel. Zaat [zaat^, adj. soft. *Ak. Zarl [zaal], ab. a plough. — J. A.S. aiUhf a plough. Zart [zaart], «6. sort ; kind. Ex. * That's your zart ' = that's your sort, i. e. the right kind of thing. Zartln [zaartun], acLj, certain. *Ak. Zedding [zed'ing], prea. part, in the phrase ' to go zedding,' i. e. zig- zagging. From the letter Z. — Wise, New Forest. Zooap [zoo'up], ab. soap. *Ak. Zooner [zoo*nur], adv. sooner, *Ak. Zoond [zoundl, v. n. to swoon. Sound for swoon is common in old Enghsh to the eighteenth century. Omitted in Us proper place. Ferrol [ferul], ab. an indurated lump of gravel, sand, and iron. — N. H. These ferroU frequently occur in the heath-lands of North Hampshire. ^