Page:God Manifest.djvu/145

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of humanity are ever pouring, and which keeps all that it receives;—in all this, we still had reference only to that spiritual world which is connected with our own earth, and which is the receptacle of the successive generations that people our own globe.

But are we to forget that there are other earths besides ours,—other peopled worlds in our own solar system, and beyond it, to an indefinite number? Our earth, vast and populous as we are used to think it, is after all but a small world, and even a minute one, compared with some. The planet Saturn is one thousand times as large as our earth, and Jupiter no less than thirteen hundred times as large. If we consider our earth as vast, what shall we think of these? if we consider our world populous, what must be the population of these immense orbs? And what the immensity and populousness of the spiritual worlds (to use, for distinctness, the plural term) connected with those planets, and which have been receiving the influx of those vast populations, as one generation after another passed into them by death, from the time of their creation. Here, a new field of thought seems to open up, very enlarging to our ideas. Estimating the population of our globe at eight hundred millions, and supposing the numbers of the two planets to be proportioned as their sizes,—the population of Jupiter will amount to the enormous number of about one billion, or a million of millions. And estimating the period of a generation at thirty at thirty-three years, then, some three billions (3,000,000,000,000) of people—must pour from that one planet into the spiritual world, in each century. What, then, must be the population of spirits now assembled there, if that planet has been in