Page:God Manifest.djvu/193

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darkness of those former days concerning all spiritual things. And to what is the great change to be ascribed? It is because the "Sun of Righteousness has risen upon us with healing in his wings." It is because the great light of Revelation, and especially of Christian Revelation, has burst through the "o'er-hanging clouds" upon the human mind. "The people that sat in darkness saw great light, and to those that sat in the region and shadow of death, light is sprung up." God has spoken to man, and given him direct assurance, not only of His real existence, but of His infinite power and wisdom, and, above all, of His love and goodness, and His Fatherly and tender regard for men. His creatures. That which was, before, a matter only of speculation, is now a truth of certain information; that which, before, seemed only a possibility, or at best a probability, has now become a delightful certainty: to the twinkling starlight of human reason, has succeeded the broad sunshine of Divine Revelation.