Page:God Manifest.djvu/216

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hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of His understanding."[1] In these and other passages, the onmiscience of God is grandly set forth. Now, in contemplating the words actually uttered by "God manifest," or the Lord Jesus, we can expect to see but a small portion of that Divine wisdom distinctly expressed; and for this plain reason: God's wisdom is infinite, and infinite wisdom can neither be set forth in a few finite words, uttered in a human language; nor if it could be set forth, should we be able to understand it, or see it to be infinite wisdom—because our finite minds can have no comprehension of infinity. Another reason is, that the Lord never spoke merely to show His wisdom—He had a practical and useful subject in every Word He uttered: consequently He would utter only such truths as were comprehensible by man, and by the very humble men whom for the most part He addressed. Yet, in spite of these obstacles, what do we find? we find that the few discourses uttered by Him, and recorded in the Gospels, contain infinitely more wisdom than is to be found in any other book, or in all other books. Every precept of the Sermon on the Mount is a most comprehensive truth, and containing the profoundest wisdom, applicable to all men in all times. Nearly two thousand years have elapsed since that discourse was uttered, and the examination of the wisest minds during that long period has only served to make more and more manifiest the profundity and the perfection of the truth there contained. Not only have reflections and comment been

  1. Isaiah xl. 13, 28.