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from the Old World by a much wider gulf than on the Atlantic side, as if to represent the greater difference in race and character between its inhabitants and the Asiatic tribes,—and as if, also, to mark the great boundary of the world's territory, and to show that here the circle of the habitable earth is complete. Yet, beneath this vast expanse of waters, new continents are preparing, for occupation in future ages. Myriads and millions of little builders are busily at work beneath the waters, rearing their coral piles, the pillars of a new Pacific world. Deep are the foundations laid, and slow does the structure rise, but it is ever progressing, and, by and by, its head appears above the waters,—an island: many such heads appear,—a cluster of islands; and groups are gradually compacting into continents, the dwelling places of nations yet unborn. Thus is the great Creator still and ever creating, preparing abodes for more human and immortal beings,—dwelling-places below, where they may fit themsdves for the eternal mansions above.

And now, as the globe rolls round, the Eastern World comes into sight—Asia, the most ancient abode of men. Here, first, was the human race planted, and here, consequently, is the multitude of human beings greatest. China, India, Persia, Jerusalem and the Holy Land, succeed each other, peopled by five hundred millions of human souls. Crowded together thickly as bees in a hive, the hum of busy industry is heard, as each and all move round in their respective courses of action, carrying on the great business of life. Here are births, marriages, deaths, innumerable. Here the midnight tear is shed, there beams the smile of happy love, on this side rings the laugh of merry boyhood,