Page:God Manifest.djvu/30

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in truth, nought but infinite skill, prompted by infinite goodness and love, could have produced such a world of beauty.

But if such are the charms of inanimate nature, let us look, now, at the world of living, breathing creatures,—possessing one excellence, far surpassing all that have been yet described,—that of life and consciousness. Though the earth were filled with treasures, and its surface covered with things beautiful, in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms, yet would these be all in vain, were there not conscious beings to possess this wealth and enjoy these charms. The inanimate being is created but to be the instrument and servant of the animate; as the inferior orders of the latter, in their turn, are made for the use and service of their superior, man, who is the chef d'œuvre of the Almighty, and the grand end to which all other created things are intended but as means. Of man, however, particularly in reference to his chief distinguishing characteristic, the immortal mind, we shall speak in another place; it is the inferior animate creation, to which we would refer just now.

Paley has given us a pleasing picture of a swarm of little insects sporting together over a pool, and showing plainly by their lively movements the delight of their little hearts (for hearts they have) as they course round and round, or dart from side to side, within the compass of their small world, and for the brief period of their ephemeral existence. Yes! even here, is the goodness, as well as the power, of the Divine Creator visible. So, the pretty butterfly sporting in the sunbeams, and winging its way from flower to flower, is an image of the innocent joy and love that fill the mind