Page:God Manifest.djvu/353

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pathy on the oppressed state of the nations of continental Europe,—to those who are sighing at the bondage of Poland, of Hungary, of Italy,—and are ready and watching for an opportunity of aiding and delivering them,—to such we would say, "If you desire to succeed, direct your efforts, not so much to the work of setting them free, as of fitting them for freedom:" for, this done, the other will follow of itself. Spread abroad the light of truth; circulate the sacred Book, which is the Fountain of truth, from hand to hand, and from house to house; for the Word of God is the "two-edged sword," before which neither ecclesiastical nor civil tyranny can stand: it is the true textbook of liberty. The sign of greatest promise for Italy is the fact, reported from authentic sources, that in Tuscany alone, there are now 20,000 Bible-readers, where, ten years ago, there were few or none. Let the good work go on:—and it will go on: the power of man cannot prevent it, for the power of God is sustaining it. But still this must necessarily be a work of time, and we must not be impatient. British freedom was a work of time, and the result of numberless efforts and struggles. American freedom—even after inheriting the precious fruit of the labors of their British ancestors—was perfected and fully established only by a weary and bloody seven years' war. Liberty is too precious a boon to be cheaply bought. But the chief work which the continental nations have now to do, is, as before said, not so much to fight, as to arm for the fight—to prepare themselves for the coming combat. And that arming required is not so much a physical, as a mental, arming and training. Store their minds with the weapons of truth from the armory of God's