Page:God Manifest.djvu/357

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positive abuse, as when healthful grain is converted into unhealthy and deadly drinks. And, lastly, the destruction takes place, when the good gifts of Providence are caused to perish either by neglect, or by waste, or by absolute destruction with fire and sword, as when the demon of war stalks through the harvest-fields, cutting down and trampling under foot the golden treasures which a bountiful Creator had provided for man's sustenance and enjoyment, and covering with desolation and smoking ruins the face of God's beautiful world. In all of these cases, it is plain to see that the suffering is caused by man, not by God;—and thus is supplied another proof of the great principle, that physical evil is derived from moral evil.

But, to make these points more plain, let us enlarge a little upon some of them. In the first place, let us examine the position, that the good Creator has bountifully provided for the physical wants of His children. Look abroad over the earth: see what riches both cover its surface, and fill its bosom. When God first created man. He placed him in a paradise, representative of the order and beauty that filled his mind, his inner world, while in his yet unfallen state. Here, fruit-trees, laden with their rosy treasures, offered various delicacies to his taste; there, beautiful flowers delighted his sight; while the whole air was filled with delicious fragrances. Birds, too, poured forth their melodies to him among the branches. Every sense was gratified: he had all things needful and delightful. Not till man sinned, was there thorn or thistle or barrenness on the earth. But, even now, though ages of sin have polluted the world, how rich, how beautiful, is still the face of God's creation! Orchards of de-