Page:God Manifest.djvu/364

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What, then, it may be asked should a man propose to himself in reference to the matter of wealth? what steps should he take to bring himself—and thus assist in bringing society—into a state of true order in this regard? Is he to abandon his worldly employments and retire into solitude, as the true way to heaven? Not at all: no such thing is needed. We are to be in the world, but not of the world; that is, not conforming ourselves to the world's present selfish and evil ways: "I pray not," said the Saviour, "that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil."[1] A man may continue his regular business,—provided it be an honest and useful one: but he should not make the acquisition of wealth the end be proposes to himself. To support his family in a proper and moderate manner,—to perform the part of a good citizen,—to aid and serve his neighbor in the thousand ways which daily opportunities offer,—thus, to be forming in his own heart that spirit of kindness and brotherly love, which is heaven in the soul, and at the same time to be setting an example to others, and so helping them to come into the same state:—this is the true end of living, and the true way to live. Thus, all would be advancing on their way to heaven together, and this world would be a happy world; none would be poor, all would be comfortable even here, and at the same time be assuring to themselves eternal comforts, joys and blisses in the world to come.

It is by considerations such as these, acting upon the individual mind, that the world is to be regenerated. This is the only way, in which it can be