Page:God Manifest.djvu/475

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had its due effect, it will be taken off. And, in the mean time, he prays for support under the trial, and for grace to turn it to the best advantage. Do family afflictions grieve him—the illness or the death of his children? He finds in his Lord and Saviour a comfort even under this deep affliction—an interior support, arising from that Divine presence within his bosom. The departure of those so dear to him is but one more bond to heaven. He knows that in truth they are "not dead, but gone before;" he knows that there is no death to the spirit; and that though, being divested of their clay covering, he cannot behold them with his mortal eyes, as before, still they are near to him, for with the spirit there is no space nor distance. And he knows that if, looking to his Divine Redeemer, he keep on in the heavenly way, he shall by and by meet them again, "to part no more."

Years roll by, and his head is turning grey: the garment of the material body is preparing to be put off. But as the body is decaying, the spirit is perfecting. Little by little, day by day, month by month, the work of purification has been going on. Battle after battle has been fought with the enemies within, "the foes of his own household,"—new conquests continually gained. The "old man" is becoming put off, and the "new man" put on. The original selfish and evil nature, which he, in common with all men, had inherited, is fast becoming weakened and removed: the new regenerate nature, an inheritance from his Heavenly Father, is becoming strengthened and confirmed. The love of evil is passing away,—the love of good, love to God and his neighbor, increasing. Heaven is gradually taking up its abode within him: