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WORKS PUBLISHED BY HODSON AND SON, 22, PORTUGAL STREET, W.C LONDON. THE INFANT SYSTEM, for Developing the Intellectual and Moral Powers of all Children from One to Seven Years. By Samuel Wilderspin. 8th edition, carefully revised. Fcap. 55. cloth. [Inserted in the List of the Conncil on Education.] FORTY MORAL LECTURES for the YOUNG, explana- tory of the Principles and Practice of the Moral Virtues and Duties, and exhibiting their connection vrith Practical Religion. In Two Parts, the first part adapted more especially, although not exclusively, for the Youth of the Industrious Classes. By A Christian Minister. Fcap. 8va is. cloth. %* Admirably adapted for use in Sunday Schools; and inserted in the Listof the Council on Education. " The volume of Moral Lectures affords me renewed interest every time I read it; and I never lay it down without deep regret that it was not one of the books of my earlier years." — Dr. Spencer Hall. CHRISTIAN TEMPER. By the Rev. J. Clowes, late Rec- tor of St John's Church, Manchester, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 4th edit. Royal 18mo. ls.6d. cloth, limp. d by Google