Page:God Manifest.djvu/62

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In the preceding Section, we have treated of the wisdom of God as manifested in His creature, man: we are now to speak of His goodness, as exhibited in the same. In our first Chapter, describing God's works in the material universe, the evidences of His wisdom were exhibited simply as appearing in effects,—in the productions of the Divine skill and power, which fill the natural creation. But in this second Chapter—treating of the spiritual universe, and the mind of man as a part of it—evidences of God's wisdom have been set forth, not so much by the presentation of its effects, as by the exhibition of wisdom itself, appearing in man. Here the thing itself is brought to view,—not indirectly by showing what it does, but rather directly by showing what it is;—by letting us see wisdom and intellectual power itself in active operation, producing effects beautiful and grand, as through a Newton and a Shakspeare. And the reason, it may be remarked, why man, though being hrmself also a work and a creature of the Divine Being, is yet able to give evidence of His wisdom, not merely by its effects, as a flower or a diamond does, but by showing forth wisdom's self, as a living, active power,—is because man was made an image and likeness of God, and therefore, as God is wise. He allows man to appear wise, also. Yet, it has been, all along, our earnest purpose to show, that the wisdom or mental power which is seen in man, is not man's own, but God's in him; for all wisdom, all that acts and produces, is plainly a living power—and life