Page:God Manifest.djvu/8

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made manifest, and all the glory is shown to belong to Him alone. In the wisdom of a Socrates, the genius of a Shakspeare, the goodness and greatness of a Howard and a Washington,—everywhere, the writer has sought to display a present God. Above all, the volume of the Holy Word is shown to be truly God's voice speaking to men,—and Jesus Christ, the Saviour, to be God appearing and made visible to men.

In attempting to set forth in a single volume so various and important truths, the author was aware of the difficulties of his task. With what degree of success it has been executed, will be left to the reader to determine. He can only say, that, in every part of his work, he has continually looked up for aid and guidance to the great and good Being, whose love and wisdom he was striving to set forth, and that, in answer to that prayer, he was conscious continually of His supporting Hand. He trusts, therefore, that the work, thus executed, will have the Divine blessing, and be found useful to his fellow-men.

August, 1858.