Page:God Manifest.djvu/95

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was the order of things originally intended for man; this was man's state before the Fall; and to this happy state will humanity return again, when it shall be brought back once more to its primitive innocence and peace.

But let us go forward, now, from the consideration of childhood to the observation of youth and early manhood; and let us note some of the various joys and delights which by the good Creator are given to that period of life, even in spite of the evils just referred to, and notwithstanding the present disordered state of our common humanity.

"Hope," says the poet, "springs eternal in the human breast:" and truly, it is, throughout our life in this world, a source of consolation, support, and delight. But at no period is its influence so powerful, or are its effects so delicious, as in the season of youth and approaching manhood. This, in fact, is more truly the time of the "golden visions and romantic dreams," before alluded to, than an earlier age. The more innocent and peaceful days of childhood are, in general, too much engaged with the sports and joys of the present, to give opportunity or cause for looking forward. Indeed, it is rather as innocence with its real joys departs, that hope comes in its stead to solace us with the imagination of future and often fantastic ones. We read, in mythology, that it was in Pandora's box of evils, Hope was first brought to mankind, and was mercifully sent in company with those calamities, as man's support and consolation under them. It was not till the innocent days of infantile humanity were gone, that hope was needed: what place was there for