The latter shorter than the former, by | 7d. 17h. 27s. |
Time required by Sun's light to reach the Earth, | 8m. 13s..3 |
Constant of aberration, | 20″.36 |
Average horizontal refraction, | 33′ 6 |
Average refraction at 45° of altitude, | 57″ |
Height of atmosphere in miles, | 40 |
Height of atmosphere, supposing no decrease of density, | 5 |
Greatest height at which clouds exist, in miles, | 10 |
Distance to which a body must be projected horizontally to revolve as a satellite, in miles, | 4.35 |
Action of the Moon on the tides (Sun's = 1), | 3 |
Daily mean retardation of high-water, | 50m. 28s. |
Mean retardation in syzygies, | 39m. 12s. |
Mean retardation in quadratures, | 1h. 14n. 58s. |
Revolution of the Sun's perigee in mean solar days, | 7,645,793 |
Mean longitude of perigee, | 100° 30′10″ |
Earth's motion in perihelion in a mean solar day, | 1° 1′ 9″ |
Mean motion in a mean solar day, | 59′ 8″.33 |
Mean Motion |
59′ 58″.64 |
Motion in aphelion in a mean solar day, | 57′ 11″.50 |
Mean longitude of perihelion, | 90° 30′ 5″ |
Annual motion of perihelion, | 11″.8 |
Same referred to the ecliptic, | 1° l″.9 |
Tropical revolution of perihelion in mean solar years, | 20,984 |
Obliquity of the ecliptic, | 23° 27′ 56″.5 |
Annual diminution of obliquity, | 0″.457 |
Limit of variation, | 2° 42′ |
Nutation lunar, semi-axis major of the ellipse, | 9″.4 |
Nutation |
0″.493 |
Luni-solar precession of the equinoxes, annual, | 50″.41 |
Planetary precession, | 0″.31 |
General precession, | 50″.11 |
Complete revolution of the equinoxes in years, | 25,868 |
Lunar nutation in longitude, | 17″.579 |
Solar nutation in longitude, | 1″.137 |