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(November, Tom. i. 743). Roger Whetstone, sixtyyears old, so paralysed that he walked on two crutches and could not feed himself, came to the well, found himself unable to bathe, but drank of the water; he was immediately cured and flung away his crutches. Having been a Quaker, he became a Roman Catholic. The facts are "'testified to by his fellow-Quaker, Robert Hill of Worcester, who apparently did not follow his change of religion.

From modern cures reported it may be of interest to select a few cases that seem most fully authenticated:—

In 1805, Winifred White, cured suddenly, completely and permanently of spinal disease which had rendered her a complete cripple. The case was investigated by the famous Bishop Milner, who publlshed the result of his inquiries in 1806.

In 1859, Christopher Clarke, a discharged soldier, of blindness which had lasted thirty years. Inquired into and publicly attested by the then Lord Denbigh.

In 1877, Louisa Walker, of Liverpool, a Wesleyan Methodist; cured of epilepsy and other ailments.

In 1879, George Sydney Doran, a paralytic lad of 13 years. His mother in her account gives the names of four Liverpool doctors, who had attended him before and seen him after his cure, which was complete and lasting.


H5, 10. Edgar the Peaceful reigned from a. d, 959 to 975, and with the help of S. Dunstan and other Benedictines promoted national prosperity in every way.

146, 29. " woodness ": madness, fury.

148. 25, Edwin and Oswald: Northumbrian kings. Edwin was carried off to Wales from the violence of a usurper at the age of three, but after many vicissitudes rose to supreme power and reigned prosperously from 617 to 633. Oswald, nephew of Edwin, as a youthful exile among the monks of lona, was there trained in wisdom and virtue, and afterwards, as undisputed king of Northumbria, showed the qualities of a model ruler.

150. 8. " grudging ": complaining. The picture of universal peace and well-doing is somewhat too highly coloured, but in the main not false to history.