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S. Nicholas

hath this woman said to you, and what hath she brought?' And they told to him all by order. And he said to them: 'This is the evil and foul Diana; and, to the end that ye know that I say truth, cast that oil into the sea.' And when they had cast it, a great fire caught it in the sea, and they saw it long burn against nature. Then they came to this holy man and said to him: 'Verily thou art he that appeared to us in the sea and deliveredst us from the sea and awaits of the devil'

And in this time certain men rebelled against the emperor; and the emperor sent against them three princes, Nepotian, Ursyn and Apollyn. And they came into the port Andrien for the wind, which was contrary to them; and the blessed Nicholas commanded them to dine with him, for he would keep his people from the ravin that they made. And whilst they were at dinner, the consul, corrupt by money, had commanded three innocent knights to be beheaded. And when the blessed Nicholas knew this, he prayed these three princes that they would much hastily go with him. And when they were come where they should be beheaded, he found them on their knees, and blindfold, and the righter brandished his sword over their heads. Then S. Nicholas, embraced with the love of God, set him hardily against the righter, and took the sword out of his hand, and threw it from him, and unbound the innocents, and led them with him all safe. And anon he went to the judgment to the consul, and found the gates closed, which anon he opened by force. And the consul came anon and saluted him: