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purpose, to treat of those things which partly promote, and partly hinder and extinguish devotion in the nnind of man: as also to lay open the temptations which are obvious to those who frequent these pious exercises; and, last of all, to annex some certain documents, which may not a little avail to the well performance of this business. We will, therefore, begin from the definition of devotion, that it may manifestly appear, what a precious pearl it is for which we war.

Devotion, as St. Thomas saith, is a virtue which maketh a man prompt and ready to every virtuous deed, and stirring him up to do well; which definition evidently showeth, the necessity and utility of this virtue, as containing more in it, than any man can imagine.

For the better understanding of this, we must know, that the chief impediment that hindereth us from leading a virtuous life, is the corruption of human nature, proceeding from sin, which brings with it a vehement inclination to vice, and a great difficulty to do well; this makes the way of virtue cragged and troublesome, although in itself considered, nothing in this world is so sweet, so lovely, so beautiful.

The divine wisdom hath ordained the help of devotion, as a most convenient remedy, to overcome this difficulty; for, as the north wind dissipateth clouds, and maketh a clear sky, so true devotion expelleth, from the mind, the