Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/105

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an Heroick Poem.
The Crown he with his Daughter has design'd;
His favour (which to me does frozen prove)
Grows warm to you, as th'Eyes of Rhodalind,
And she gives sacred Empire with her love.

Whilst you usurp thus, and my claim deride,
If you admire the veng'ance I intend,
I more shall wonder where you got the pride
To think me one you safely may offend.

Nor judge is strange I have this Ambush laid;
Since you (my Rival) wrong'd me by surprise;
Whose darker vigilance my love betraid;
And so your ill example made me wise.

But in the School of glory we are taught,
That greatness and success should measure deeds;
Then not my great revenge, nor your great fault,
Can be accus'd when eithers act succeeds.

Opinions stamp does virtue currant make;
But such small Money (though the Peoples Gold
With which they trade) great Dealers scorn to take,
And we are greater than one world can hold.

Now Oswald paws'd, as if he curious were
Ere this his Foe (the Peoples Fav'rite) dy'd,
To know him as with Eyes, so with his Ear;
And to his speech thus Gondibert reply'd:

Successfull Prince! since I was never taught
To court a Threating Foe, I will not pay
For all the Trophies you from war have brought
A single wreath, though all these woods were Bay!
