Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/117

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an Heroick Poem.
Is it to boast that Verse has Chymick pow'r,
And that its rage (which is productive heat)
Can these revive, as Chymists raise a Flower,
Whose scatter'd parts their Glass presents compleat?

Though in these Worthies gone, valour and love
Did chastely as in sacred Temples meet,
Such reviv'd Patterns us no more improve,
Than Flowers so rais'd by Chymists make us sweet.

Yet when the souls disease we desp'rate find,
Poets the old renown'd Physitians are,
Who for the sickly habits of the mind,
Examples as the ancient cure prepare.

And bravely then Physitians hononr gain,
When to the world diseases cureless seem,
And they (in Science valiant) ne'r refrain
Arts war with Nature, till they life redeem.

But Poets their accustom'd task have long
Forborn, (who for Examples did disperse
The Heroes virtues in Heroick Song)
And now think virtue sick, past cure of verse.

Yet to this desp'rate cure I will proceed,
Such patterns shew as shall not fail to move;
Shall teach the valiant patience when they bleed,
And hapless Lovers constancy in love.

Now Honour's chance, the Duke with Oswald takes,
The Count his great Stake, Life, to Hubert sets;
Whilst his to Paradin's Lord Arnold stakes,
And little Hugo throws at Dargonets.
